
New #WorldCleanAirDay podcast: How we’re adapting Air Tracker in the U.S., China and soon Brazil
Derek Schwabe / Sep 06, 2024

On September 7, for the 5th International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies, EDF is highlighting how our cutting-edge tools are advancing the fight against air pollution in a ...

About EDF’s Global Clean Air Initiative

The problem: Around the world, nine out of ten people breathe unhealthy air. Air pollution is now the biggest environmental risk for early death, responsible for as many an estimated ...

Cangzhou, China

Data-Driven Accurate Air Quality Monitoring, Inspection and Enforcement The Cangzhou Clean Air Pilot Project in China reveals how innovative air quality monitoring (using a fleet of 50 taxis) could pinpoint ...

Reducing Pollution Through Better Data

Cities and local governments are at the forefront of cutting air pollution, using new policy levers to limit dirty vehicle traffic and improve zoning rules to address environmental injustice. Local ...

Finding Pollution Sources

While hyperlocal monitoring identifies pollution hotspots, source apportionment finds its cause. Because pollutants move through the air, they behave differently depending on wind, temperature and precipitation. By examining the impacts ...