Diesel-powered trucks, buses and other heavy-duty vehicles—also known as medium- and heavy-duty vehicles (MHDVs)—are some of the biggest emitters of health harming pollution on U.S. roads. That’s why many states ...
What’s new: Foreign Policy magazine hosted a Health Forum during the UN General Assembly last month in New York, where EDF’s Sarah Vogel explained how methane connects to health impacts. ...
What’s new: EDF released a new report tracing the growth of mega-warehouses and associated diesel truck pollution in New Jersey, building upon recent research in New York and Illinois. The launch ...
What’s new: A new report released today by EDF and ElectrifyNY traces the growth of mega-warehouses–and their health impacts–in communities across New York State, driven in-part by the e-commerce boom. ...
What’s new: EDF partner, South Bronx Unite, has just launched an interactive data visualization that’s mapping what residents of the South Bronx have long experienced—that air pollution from industrial facilities ...
The city will start using municipal vehicles to test local air quality in the South Bronx as part of a pilot program that launched Tuesday. Five parks and sanitation vehicles ...